Wednesday 16 January 2013

Trees in the snow

Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus

Birch, Betula sp.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Limes in the Castle Howard avenue,
Tilia × europaea   

Oaks, Quercus robur

Wollemia nobilis
All taken today in the Castle Howard Arboretum, North Yorkshire.


  1. John
    The Wollemi looks a handsome thing how long has it been in? what soil conditions do you have there?It certain puts mine to shame in Oxford in fact I have dug mine up for some TLC under glass

  2. Anticipating snow overnight so no doubt I will have some snowy tree photos. I really need to learn to identify trees in the winter better

  3. SB: it was planted in 2007, I guess as one of the small size first offered. It's now a good deal taller than me, single straight stem. It's growing in (acidic) wet clay - there are permanent (it seems!)puddles within 1m of it - in light shade. Survived -17 in Dec 2010. What's your pH?

  4. John,
    My pH is around 7 here.I see where your going with this, I am sure these trees prefer a more acid soil. Interesting to hear your pine is thriving in the wet . This is contrary to the advice Kew gave when we purchased our trees.
    As an aside we are missing you in Oxford,the AGS ask me to be a panel member at the gardners question time. Things are clearly getting desperate!


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